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David S. Guttman, patent attorney

Guttman Patent Office

22 S 22nd St, Apt 1412, Philadelphia PA 19103-3027

Phone: (215) 995-5109  Email:

IN BRIEF: An MIT-educated, patent lawyer with extensive experience in U.S. and foreign law and demonstrated effectiveness in protection and licensing of technology, software and trademarks. Good computer skills for managing and expediting IP prosecution and litigation. Experienced in protecting and licensing technology and branded products & services in Asia (reads & speaks Japanese) as well as the U.S. Tech specialties include electronic & magnetic devices, semiconductor, computer & software protection, computer networks, microprocessors, digital signal processors, medical devices. Has protected merchandising rights related to broadcasting, cameras, celebrities, colleges, computers, cosmetics, fashion, foods, medicines, restaurants,software, and sports.

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